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What are the common problems with using photovoltaic inverters
132 2023-05-10
Photovoltaic inverters are the core components of photovoltaic systems, which can convert direct current into alternating current and provide feedback on the system‘s operational status to users. However, some problems may arise during use. Today, we will introduce in detail the common problems and solutions of using photovoltaic inverters.
Photovoltaic inverters are the core components of photovoltaic systems, which can convert direct current into alternating current and provide feedback on the system‘s operational status to users. However, some problems may arise during use. Today, we will introduce in detail the common problems and solutions of using photovoltaic inverters.
1. How to modify the startup voltage. Many friends do not know how to modify the startup voltage when using photovoltaic inverters. In fact, this can be done by selecting settings in the user interface, entering a password, and then clicking on the startup voltage to change the startup voltage. The values that can be inputted should be within the allowed range. If the inputted values are not allowed, they cannot be successfully inputted. This is a point to note.
2. What is the reason for the significant decrease in power generation? Due to the barrel effect of the photovoltaic inverter battery pack, its power generation is reduced, usually due to foreign objects or unclean surfaces on its components. At this point, the surface can be wiped off, and after wiping it clean, the power generation can be checked for any improvement. If the battery level does not increase significantly after wiping, it can be detected whether the shadow is blocking the photovoltaic panel. At this time, it is necessary to remove the shadow in a timely manner, otherwise heat spots will occur, affecting the service life and power generation of the photovoltaic inverter.
3. How to use an LCD display screen? This can be achieved by moving the cursor, such as moving it up or down, or clicking the OK button. If you click the ESC button, it means moving the cursor forward or back.
When using photovoltaic inverters, if you encounter these problems, you can follow the above methods to solve them. If you want to view the power generation, you can click on Statistics on the user interface to view the current day‘s power generation, as well as the content of this week, this month, this year, and the total power generation.